The Winneconne Library will be closed on Monday, September 3oth for In-House Inventory. 


The Winneconne Public Library Community Learning Lab consists of wireless laptops to serve three basic purposes:

  1. Instructional Lab – The intent of this purpose is to introduce and enhance independent computer skills to help patrons improve their quality of life.
    1. The lab is set up at scheduled times to instruct patrons on various topics, including but not limited to basic computer skills, library skills, job skills and resume writing, and a variety of research topics.
    2. Classes are taught by a library staff member or a qualified volunteer, as deemed appropriate by the library director.
    3. Patrons must pre-register for classes.
  2. Resource Center – The intent of this purpose is to extend the availability of public use computers at peak usage times.
    1. The laptops will be available to adult patrons when the lab is not in use and all the public access desktops are occupied.
    2. Priority to use the laptops will be given to patrons performing job searches.
    3. Individuals who wish to use the laptops must check them out on their library card.
    4. Laptops may be used in the library, only; patrons may not take a laptop out of the library.
  3. Conduit for Outreach Services
    1. The lab may be set up at locations within the community, such as at Riverside Apartments, to conduct basic skills lessons as part of an outreach project, as considered appropriate by the library director.
    2. The lab equipment will leave the library for purposes of outreach only under the direct supervision of the library director or assistant director.
    3. Community organizations may request to use lab equipment for instructional and meeting purposes when the meeting is conducted in the community meeting room.


Patrons are expected to abide by the Winneconne Public Library Computer Use Policy. The same policy applies to the use of the laptops and wireless Internet connection. To use the lab, patrons must have a signed computer use agreement on file.


There will be no cost to use the laptops, except 15 cents per page for printing, and 25 cents per page for printing large graphics.

Use of the Lab by Minors

Minor patrons may participate in activities using the wireless lab when an organized program is offered by the library and the program is supervised by a librarian. Patrons under the age of 15 will not be allowed to use the laptops when the lab is not set up. Students in high school may use the laptops for homework only, and only when the public Internet computers are occupied. Students must have signed parental permission to use the computers. The laptops must be used within the library.