Any individual or group of individuals has the right to judge or express concern as to whether or nor an item is acceptable; however, that individual or group of individuals may not legally abridge the rights of other individuals to have access to information. If a complaint is made, the following procedure should be followed:

  1. Require the attached form “Request For Reconsideration” to be filled out in duplicate.
  2. The “Request For Reconsideration” form should be submitted to the Library.
  3. All Board members should read and/or evaluate the material of concern, weigh values, and form opinions based on the accepted Library Selection Policy.
  4. Library Board members and the librarian (at a regular scheduled meeting) shall determine the disposition of the material and then meet with the Complainant to review the Board’s decision.
  5. Copies of the complaint and resolution should be kept on file and a copy of the disposition should be given to the Complainant.